Thursday, February 21

Just yesterday I saw an email posted by a fellow classmate. The subject title: "99 days until graduation." Immediately after seeing it I began to seriously consider how I've spent my time at Harvard -- what I've learned, what I've forgotten, what I missed out on, what I truly loved, and how in the world I actually ended up where I am today (alive and sane). As if right on schedule, once the countdown has begun and the days are seemingly waring thin, the desires to savor and relish and love and appreciate all start to kick in and knock out any remaining practical sense we've been hanging onto. To be honest -- I've waited until the last moments to truly explore the place where I have been living, studying, and procrastinating over the past four years. And I don't mind. Or at least, I've accepted that fact and moved on. I'm not trying to 'make up for lost time and opportunities.' I'll never be a freshman again, never go to that concert that took place two years ago, never run naked in the Yard before winter finals (okay...that still might happen in another context). For now, I'm preparing to begin. To begin looking for new chances, to be more aware of what's around, to experience, and acknowledge. And with that swoosh of philosophical hipster jargon nonsense, I've decided to start listing 99 things that I want to try during the course of the remaining 99 days I have left. I won't do one item every day. I may not reach 'em all. Yet, somehow making this public pushes me to accomplish at least one major thing this semester (#senioritisproblems). I don't really know what this will look like, but I'm ready to document and detail stories for you and for myself. Check in every week to see how I'm surviving the countdown!

In the meantime, anybody have ideas/places/activities I should explore? Send a note in the comment box :)


  1. Anonymous10:36 AM

    You should definitely explore Boston restaurants if you haven't gotten out of the Square much

    1. You're so right! I also have on my list to try out new cafes since I practically live in them. Thanks for the tip :)

  2. Good luck! And congrats on the upcoming graduation!


  3. I'm doing a similar thing but haven't thought of 99 things yet! here's a few ideas:
    -Go to the Oberon Donkey Show
    -Climb the Lowell House climbing wall
    -Hit up a Celtics game
    -Eat dinner at the first restaurant in Boston- Union Oyster House

    I'll keep feeding my list from your ideas :)

    1. Thank you so much, Brittany!! These are great, I'll add 'em to my list! :)

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